"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

All up in my business...

I love older people! I especially have a new found love for one of my sweet patients that visits us every few months. For privacy's sake, we'll call him Mr. Trazenky. (wouldn't that be a cool last name?!?) I first met Mr. T a couple months after I began working at the doctors office and on that particular day of my first meeting with him, he asks me how my love life is. Of course to which I replied, "well, it's lacking." :) I proceeded to tell him that I was single and still waiting on "the right one to come along". I thought to myself, "how strange of him to ask me how my love life is on the first day he's ever met me." (gettin' ALL up in my business!) Now to some, this would be a little creepy, but I found it hard to be creepy as this is one of the sweetest little men I had ever met in my life. I later found out by our head nurse that Mr. T is a retired pastor and he always takes great interest in the lives of those around him so that he can pray for them. Every single time Mr. T comes in he asks me, "how's your love life?". This sweet man is praying for my love life! I can't wait for the day that he comes in and ask me, "so how's your love life?" and I'm able to respond with, "well, let me just tell you!!" :) I want to be more like Mr. T and take more focus off of myself and place more of it on those around me! Just wanted to share that!

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