"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spacious Places...

"He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me." (2 Samuel 22:20) This is one of my favorite verses of scripture because it reminds me that God knows that sometimes, we just need a "breather". In this particular passage, David was under a lot of stress because he was being attacked by his enemies. But because the Lord delighted in David, He took care of him and lead him into a place where no one could harm him...a spacious place. David could just take a deep breath in and know that he was ok and protected by the Almighty. I'm sitting at my sister and brother-in-laws house as I type this, watching the sweetest little nephew anyone could ever ask for. The little fella is asleep in his swing so I'm taking advantage of my time. I needed to have the kind of day that I'm having today and the Lord faithfully knew that. I needed the day off from work...He provided that. I needed some extra special time with my Heavenly Father...He blessed in those few extra moments. I needed to spend some sweet time with my Little Luke...there's nothing quite like it! I've realized in the past few weeks that I've "over busied" myself. I have no one really at this point in my life to take care of other than myself, but somehow I manage to live one of the most busy lives of anyone I know. I'm learning that one of the reasons I do this, is because I fear getting lonely. (kind of riduculous, I know!) But that's the truth. However, I really got to the point this week that I just needed a "breather". I needed to be taken out into a "spacious place" where life could slow down, if even for just a few hours. I needed refreshment. I feel like I'm getting that today and it feels good! :) God is so good and cares so much about His children...He delights in us! Have a great day!

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