"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ok, so maybe it IS a big deal!

Today has been a catch up day for me. I had the day off from work because I have to attend a mandatory workshop tomorrow for work, so today was my day to get everything done that I would have done tomorrow. One of the things on my list was to go get my liscense renewed. I didn't have to actually go to the DMV to get it renewed, I could've just sent all my info in through the mail and gotten it renewed that way. However, this chic wanted a new picture and I wanted my weight changed. Hello! I've lost over 75 pounds. Of course I want an updated picture and my weight changed! Who in their right mind wouldn't want that?! So, I get there this morning lookin' all cute and the line wasn't even long. GREAT...things are totally in my favor! I go and fill out the little piece of paper stating that my address has not changed, my eye color has not changed, I still want to be an organ donor and no, my liscense is not being held because of any crimes I've committed. You better believe I paid careful attention to the "weight" box though and I proudly wrote in a new, lower number from the one that was on my previous liscense. This made my day. So, I waited a minute, got my new picture made (which turned out great, I must say), received my new liscense and head out the door. As I headed down the road to meet my friend Emma for coffee, I pulled out my wallet to admire the new, improved piece of plastic and glanced at the weight. Oh yeah, you guessed it. It didn't get updated. SAD DAY! My first thought was, "what the world?". I'm sure I frowned a minute, but it didn't take me too long to get over it. I mean, really...does it matter all that much?

So, I had a wonderful coffee date with my sweet friend Emma and after that I headed to my sister's to play with the little mister before his nap time. I took my workout clothes so that I could just change at my sister's and head out to the college after leaving there for a good walk. I ended up just staying at my sister's and waloging (walking/jogging) on her treadmill. I think I walogged the hardest today that I have in a long time. Into my second mile, my muscles started to really burn...almost to the point of me wanting to give up, or throw up one. (thankfully neither of those two happened!) It was in that moment of pain though that I realized and said to myself, "Self, maybe it really IS a big deal that they didn't change that number on that piece of plastic today! This is dang hard work!" I'm sure I could've gone back to the DMV with my sweaty, smelly self, explaining the situation, pointing out their mistake and demanding a new liscence be made for me. But after all, it is just a piece of plastic...and my picture wouldn't have been nearly as cute. Such is life!

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