"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meredith and her GET FIT JOURNEY reunite!!

Okay...many of you who are my friends or if you have followed this blog in the past, know that I haven't done a GFJ (get fit journey) post in AGES. (actually, I've been slack over the past year as far as this blog goes...period) HOWEVER, it's time. It's time to reunite my body with my Get Fit Journey...if it will still have me. :) Needless to say, my GFJ and I have not been BFF's for about the past 1o months or so. I did that whole marriage thing at the beginning of the year (which I LOVE) and ya know how everybody says you have to be really careful when you get married or that weight will just come right back on?!? They AIN'T kiddin!! :)

The day Aaron and I came back from our honeymoon I weighed in at exactly 90 pounds down. Only TEN pounds away from my ultimate goal of 100 pounds lost. Well, call it "happy pounds" or call it the "freshman 15" (since I started back to college...not a freshman though!), call it whatever you want, but this TWENTY pounds I've gained within the last 10 months has got to GO! Now, instead of only being 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal of 100 down, I'm a THIRTY pounds away. Of course I'm furious with myself, but I'm choosing to take those frustrations and work them to my advantage! So, Tuesday's will be my weigh in days and I'll do my best to chart my progess here each week. And thankfully I have my sweet husband on my team with me! So...game face...back on!

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