"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is there such a thing...

...as a cute fat roll?!? You better believe it! Take a gander at the pics below and you're sure to agree with me! Look at that baby's belly and those chunky legs! I think I've given that poor child more "raspberries" in the past few weeks than he cares to have but I just can't help it. As I've said in previous post, Luke certainly takes after his Aunt Meredith, seein' that he's so darn cute and all. However, I will definitely be teaching him that fat rolls aren't quite as cute when you're 27 years old as they are when you're 7 months old!! :) And you can tell from his little "orange nose" that he's loving those sweet pototoes and carrots. I just love that orange glow that babies start to get when they begin eating baby food. You can't really tell from this pics but this baby is SO going to have dimples. Guess who's ecstatic about that?!?
Speaking of fat rolls on 27 year olds (I'm allowed to say that about myself!) , I had my weigh-in today and lost half a pound this week, bringing my total to 62.8 pounds. I had honestly thought I'd gained this week so you better believe that my half a pound lost was cheered for! :) As far as the rest of my week goes, it's been a good one! Work has been full of pleasant little surprises, such as my having the SWEETEST little four year old boy as one of my patients the other day who "wrote me a song" that went a little something like "...you are so beautiful, I hope you feel better..." According to his grandad, the song was to be sung to the tune of the familiar praise song, "Open the Eyes of my Heart Lord"! This totally made my day. And today, I got a phone call from my friend Mr. T (read a few posts down to learn about him). He was calling in for an antibiotic but before he started in on what was going on with him, of course he asked, "so how's your love life?" I love that man! :) I had the day off yesterday and yes, finally I got to go see the movie I've been wanting to for weeks now, "27 Dresses", with some friends of mine. It was very cute! Hope you're all having a great week as well. "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:16)

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