"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So many things I could title this post...."I Think I'm Getting Old"..."To Date or Not to Date"..."Not Just a Nurse"!!!

Ok, so one of my patient's today was a sweet 19 year old girl. I was taking her into one of our patient rooms to ask her all the usual questions and she was in the process of wrapping up a phone conversation with one of her friends. She ended her phone conversation and I could tell she was very frustrated about something...seeing that she ended the the conversation with an "Ugh!" I asked (being the polite person that I am) if everything was alright. Apparently the poor girl needed to vent. VERY long story short, she's been dating this guy for a few months, but she doesn't really know how serious it is because they haven't really had the whole DTR (Define the Relationship) talk since the first initial DTR talk. All us girls know that there should be one of these "talks" like every day. We gotta know where we're heading! :) Anyway, they go to different colleges and that hasn't really been an issue until recently. Another girl is trying to "move in" on the whole relationship causing a BIG knot in the chain. (Oh no she didn't!) After she was all but crying on my shoulder, I asked this poor girl the least amount of questions possible to do my job, gave her a little "hang in there!", and then walked out of that room with my head spinning! This girl is 19 and exhausted from the whole dating process...I'm 27 and haven't even BEGAN the dating process. I have prayed like never before today that the Lord would get that boy here soon because I'm afraid I'm getting too old for all this!!

Accepting applications,
Meredith :)

(Can you tell it's just been one of THOSE days?!?)


Amanda said...

Ok -- so I went from - oh my gosh I remember those days/heartbreak to cracking up by the end of your post! He's out there girl just keep on looking!!! God works in mysterious ways you know!

Amy Sullins said...

It will happen, Mae Mae! I promise! Praying for you, as always! We love you!

Joe and Abby said...

I LOVE YOU!!! You had me rolling, and girl you KNOW I have been praying!!!