"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

Friday, May 9, 2008

Pleasant Words...

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb...sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24) Ok, so a little background on the first time I really discovered this Bible verse. I was a freshman in highschool, he was a senior. Oh yeah! I'm definitely talking about the boy that my heart desired oh so much that very first year of my highschool career! Of course he didn't really even know I existed, but I didn't care. Somehow, I would make my mark upon his life. I was determined. I've always had a thing for guys that love the Lord, even at this particular time in my life. Not only was my "crush" so very, very handsome, but the thing that won me over was the fact that he prayed over his lunch every single day before eating it. This made a huge impact on my life. Sure, you say the blessing at home...but around all those macho, burly guys?!? I knew he was the real thing! I sat at the same lunch table he did...just on the opposite end! Long story short, he graduated and unfortunately missed out on what it could've been like to have had an incredible girlfriend like myself! :) I thought about him often that summer, and before it was up, I decided to mail him a letter. Yes, I knew where he lived! The jist of the letter, if my memory serves me correctly, was to thank him for being such a strong Christian example to those around him, that I hoped he had a great summer and that his first year of college went well. I'm a cheeseball. Anyway, several weeks went by, and by george, if I didn't come home one day to find a letter in my mailbox to ME from HIM. WHAT?!? Needless to say, I was a bit excited and surprised. I don't remember much of what his letter said, but I do remember that at the end of the letter was this Bible verse. Kind words are so sweet and so healing in our lives. I was reminded of this today as I was in a meeting with my office manager. Work as been really....insane...over the past few weeks. Allergy season in an Allergy Clinic. Need I say more? :) It's easy to get discouraged when you're worn out and today, her kind words were "like a honeycomb...sweet to my soul and healing to my bones." I pray I'll think about the words that come out of my mouth the next time I speak. Are they sweet words or words that are destructive and not healing? The world is all to full of destruction...speak words of life!

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